In the Level 1 Course 'Protecting Children is Everyone's Business' you learnt about child protection being everyone’s business.
In this Level 2 course you will be able to build on what you have previously learned and develop skills and knowledge relating to your role as a health care clinician or as a manager in promoting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
This is the second course in the series of four Child Safe courses.
Level 1 Foundation course, for all health staff
Level 2 courses, for clinical staff and their managers
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Share this with your colleagues, download the Child Safe Environments: Understanding and Responding to Risk Factors A4 promotional flyer/poster
The course will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
On successful completion of the assessments you can download a certificate of completion.
This course adheres to South Australian (SA Health) guidelines and Australian National Standards.
The principles described in the course can however be applied to any health care setting.
If you practice outside South Australia it is your responsibility to refer to the specific requirements of your local health authority.
This course aligns with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, Second Edition – Standards 1, 2, 5 and 6.
Dealing with child safety and wellbeing can, at times, be quite challenging and confronting. If you find this is the case, do what you need to do to take care of yourself so that you can continue with your learning. This might involve taking a break, taking time to think about what is causing the discomfort or talking to someone else about your thoughts or feelings.
If you require any support contact your organisation’s Assistance Program (EAP).
Crisis support in Australia:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Kids Helpline (for young people aged 5 to 25 years): 1800 55 1800
Anglicare SA provides a wide range of services in various localities to assist families in difficulty and crisis.
BreakEven Services SA (BESSA) provides assistance for problem gambling.
Children's centres are locally distributed centres offering care, education, health services, community development activities and family services.
Crisis helplines provides a directory of all South Australian emergency service crisis helplines and crisis counselling.
Domestic violence crisis service provides support services for women, men, teenagers, children and seniors affected by domestic violence.
Mensline provides professional phone and online support, information, counselling and referrals for men with family or relationship concerns.
Parenting SA provides Parent Easy Guides on a wide range of parenting topics from birth to 18 years including some specially designed for Aboriginal and migrant families.
Relationships Australia provides relationship support services such as counselling, mediation and education programs for individuals, families and communities.
SAPOL: help and support for domestic violence provides support and services for women who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence.
St Vincent de Paul provides national support services and support referral for all people in need.
Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Inc (AHCSA) is a peak organisation that represents Aboriginal community controlled health and substance misuse services in SA at a state and national level.
Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal health service is a community based health services for Aboriginal people in Ceduna and Koonibba.
Muna Paiendi Primary Health Care Services Department of Health provides health and family support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the northern suburbs of Adelaide.
Nunkuwarrin Yunti provides culturally appropriate health care and community support services for Aboriginal people.
Women's and Children's Hospital (Aboriginal Unit) is a small team of liaison officers who visit all Aboriginal inpatients at the WCH. The group act as advocates for the inpatients, ensuring their medical, practical and cultural needs are met.
Department for Education and Child Development Community Liaison Officers support the engagement of culturally and linguistically diverse students and families in education by bridging cultural understandings.
Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC) provides comprehensive, high quality, efficient, confidential and professional interpreting and translating services in approximately 112 languages and dialects.
Migrant health service provides specialist primary health care services for recently arrived refugees, other humanitarian entrants and asylum seekers.
Australian Migrant Resource Centre is a community settlement agency and services for migrants and refugees in SA.
Multicultural SA is responsible for advising the Government on all matters relating to multicultural and ethnic affairs in SA.
The Multicultural Communities Council of SA is the peak organisation that efficiently services, innovatively empowers and strongly advocates for cultural and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in South Australia.
Survivors of torture and trauma assistance and rehabilitation service (STTARS) provide services for torture and trauma survivors from refugee or migrant backgrounds.
Adolescent Sexual Abuse Prevention program provides counselling, consulting and training for sexual abuse, sexual concerns, challenging and disruptive behaviours in adolescents and their families.
Child abuse report line (CARL) is a 24-hour child abuse and neglect response team. All suspicions of abuse or neglect must be reported through CARL.
Flinders Medical Centre provides assistance and interventions for families of children at risk of abuse. The CPS at FMC serves the southern, south western and south eastern metropolitan and country areas of South Australia. Currently, the CPS offers a fortnightly visiting service in the South East of the State.
WCH provide specialist assessment and treatment services to children from birth to 18 years and their families where there is a suspicion of child abuse, psychological maltreatment and/or neglect. CPS at the WCH provides these services to families residing within the northern city and northern country areas of Adelaide.
Lyell McEwin Hospital Child Protection Service (CPS) provide specialist assessment and treatment services to children from birth to 18 years and their families where there is a suspicion of child harm.
Coolock House provides accommodation support for young mothers and their children.
Reconnect SA provide local support for people aged 12 to 18 who are homeless, or at the risk of homelessness, and their families, plus specialist services for Aboriginal, South-East Asian and mental health needs.
Trace-A-Place (TAP) provides a central assessment, referral and case management service for young people who are homeless in Adelaide.
Metropolitan Youth Health Service (MYHealth) provides free, confidential health service for young people aged 12 to 25 with a focus on young people under 18 years, across metropolitan Adelaide.
Reconnect mental health program provides support for young people aged 12 to 18 who are homeless, or at the risk of homelessness, and their families.
Carers Australia provides help and support for carers, including representation and advocacy services.
Carers SA provides support services such as counselling, advice, representation, respite, education and more for carers and caring families.
SA Community provides a comprehensive directory of government, non-government and community services throughout SA.
Women's information service provides in-person or over the phone information for women seeking help with any situation.
The purpose of this Policy Directive is to ensure a consistent approach to the mandatory reporting requirements relating to actual or suspected harm of a child (0-18 years) in accordance with the Children’s Protection Act 1993 (SA).
With the implementation of this Policy Directive, SA Health will ensure:
Outlines how the South Australian Information Sharing Guidelines for Promoting Safety and Wellbeing (the ISG) applies in the SA Health context. This Policy Directive should be read in conjunction with the ISG.
Describes roles and best practice for SA Health and the Department for Child Protection in relation to:
A number of Perinatal Guidelines relate to child protection: